29 septiembre 2010

Katy Perry y el Barrio Sésamo

Katy Perry iba a aparecer en un especial fin de año de El Barrio Sésamo, el 27 de septiembre, con este videoclip, versión adaptada de su canción Hon and cool:

Pero parece que muchos padres no estaban de acuerdo con el escote de la señorita Katy (quizá por su contexto) y lo retiraron. Lo que dió lugar a algunas parodias:

Ahora parece que gracias a eso va a protagonizar un capítulo de Los Simpson, pero en carne y hueso rodeada de dibujitos, como en Quién Engañó a Roger Rabbit, pero al revés, con los personajes de Los Simpson encarnados por marionetas.

Nota: Editado tachado y en cursiva.

27 septiembre 2010

Meanwhile, in the UK...

En Londres se debate poner fin al sistema de reserva fraccionaria de los bancos. Un acontecimiento histórico, que podría ser el primer paso hacia el fin de los ciclos económicos:

18 septiembre 2010

Spanish accent?

Tasia Valenza is an American actress who plays Shaak Ti in the season three of The Clone Wars television series. Today, in starwars.com, they publish a short interview regarding her work in that series. One of its questions comes to my attention (bolds are mine):

What kind of direction were you given for your character?
That she is very calm, subdued, and has a Spanish accent. She was written to have an accent with a Spanish flavor, maybe something on the Brazilian side. They definitely wanted to add that Latin dimension to her[...]

Let's imagine that the show was made in Spain and that Tasia Valenza was Spanish. The question of the interview would be something like this:

What kind of direction were you given for your character?
That she is very calm, subdued, and has an British accent. She was written to have an accent with an British flavor, maybe something on the Mexican side. They definitely wanted to add that Australian dimension to her [...].

Sounds pretty stupid, right?