Os deseo una feliz Navidad y un próspero año nuevo.
I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Blog de Salvador Jesús Romero. En vivo y en diferido... y de vuelta en España.
Os deseo una feliz Navidad y un próspero año nuevo.
I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
El pasado 15 de Octubre se celebró en la Escuela Técnica Superior de la Universidad de Sevilla (ETSII) el acto de clausura del curso 2009/2010. En él, me hicieron entrega de dos Menciones Honoríficas: Una, dentro del “Premio al Mejor Proyecto Fin de Carrera de Ingeniería Informática”, y otra, “en favor del prestigio externo de la Escuela por el segundo premio obtenido” en los premios de Sun Microsystems.
Dejo aquí unas fotos, que algunos me han pedido:
What kind of direction were you given for your character?
That she is very calm, subdued, and has a Spanish accent. She was written to have an accent with a Spanish flavor, maybe something on the Brazilian side. They definitely wanted to add that Latin dimension to her[...]
What kind of direction were you given for your character?
That she is very calm, subdued, and has an British accent. She was written to have an accent with an British flavor, maybe something on the Mexican side. They definitely wanted to add that Australian dimension to her [...].
Dropbox is an excellent tool to automatically synchronize your files from your computer to the cloud, and from there to others computers. Every file you put or modify on a Dropbox folder in your hard drive is uploaded to Dropbox, and from there to others Dropbox folders that you may have in others computers, linked with your Dropbox account.
The process is very simple and has many possibilities. If you aren’t aware of it or other similar services, I’d recommend you to spend ten minutes in a little research in this topic.
However, you must be carefully when using a program that opens files exclusively while working with them, like MS Word. In those cases, dropbox is unable to upload them until you close that program. It might happen that you hibernate or suspend your computer without closing the program; In this case, the file won’t be uploaded, and you will not have it in the cloud nor in other computers you use. Also, remember that uploading a file takes always some time. Wait until the little check mark turns green in the file icon, before leave to work in another PC.